Rent Roll Buying, Selling, Due Diligence & Agency File Audits

Prepare to buy or sell a rent roll

Purchasing a rent roll is the fastest, most efficient way to grow your Real Estate Agency while selling an existing roll will free up cash to fund retirement or a different business direction

However, this transaction can be a complicated process. There is a great deal of paperwork involved, as well as agreements about how to determine the value of the properties listed on the roll

You can expect to deal with Accountants, Lawyers and Valuers as well as your potential Buyer / Vendor. Then there are decisions to be made about the future of the Staff involved with the rent roll and their transition as part of the deal

To ensure you reach an outcome that is based on an accurate value, enlist the support of a rent roll broker Michael Furlong

Services included: 

Michael applies his extensive Real Estate Industry expertise and understanding of the rent roll transition process to help you: 

  • Gather all the necessary paperwork to prove rent roll income
  • Determine the value of the rent roll you wish to buy or sell
  • Present your rent roll as an asset or complete due diligence on a rent roll for sale
  • Negotiate with interested parties
  • Deal with paperwork and contracts
  • Onboard your new team or transition your existing one

With Michael’s help, your rent roll sale or purchase will be a smoother, less stressful and ultimately more profitable experience

Reach out to him for confidential advice and services

Buying a Rent Roll…….it can be very costly to try and do it alone!

Purchasing a rent roll is the fastest, most efficient way to grow your Real Estate Agency, however it can also be the quickest way to lose hundreds of thousands of dollars in equity & bank funding, if you pay too much, and you buy a non-compliant rent roll. 

Purchasing a rent roll is a complicated process, and not one that you want to “learn as you go”, especially if you get it wrong! 

There are a number of common mistakes Agents make when purchasing a rent roll, including:

  • Agreeing on a multiplier, based purely on the Sellers expectations
  • Assuming that the information provided by the Broker / Seller is accurate
  • Thinking the process to settle the rent roll and integrate it into their own business will be easy
  • Expecting that once they have negotiated on the price, the rest of the deal will fall into place 
  • Receiving poor legal, due diligence, financial, accounting, taxation, legislative & funding advice from others with little or no experience

The single biggest mistake Agents make when buying a rent roll, is trying to save money on expert advice, and especially trying do the due diligence on their own, or asking their Property Managers to do the Due Diligence

Being an expert at selling property, or running a property management department, doesn’t automatically mean you know how to buy a rent roll, and not lose money along the way!

Rent Roll Purchase Due Diligence Inspection & Settlement Integration!

To ensure you reach an outcome that is based on an accurate value, and you get what you paid for, enlist the support of a rent roll expert like Michael Furlong

Michael applies his extensive Rent Roll sales & buying expertise to help you: 

  • Negotiate the conditions in the Contract that favour you as the purchaser
  • Understand the timelines and process
  • Assess the rent roll metrics 
  • Audit the property, landlord & tenant files
  • Audit the property trust database reports
  • Prepare the notification of transfer or assignment
  • Assist with the settlement and migration
  • Onboard your new team or transition your existing one
  • Mitigate & manage the rent roll losses during retention

With Michael’s help, your rent roll purchase will be a smoother, less stressful and ultimately more profitable experience, and you will certainly reduce your losses during retention

Reach out to him for confidential advice and services

Rent Roll Sale | Exit Strategy | Distressed Sale | Getting the Rent Roll Sale Ready | Partnership Disputes & Splits

he rent roll should – ALWAYS – be sale ready, well before you are planning on selling. You never know when you may need to sell the rent roll or the business, and often it is because of reasons out of your control.

It can take 3-6-12 months to get your rent roll “sale ready”! 

Too many Principals sell their rent roll when it is not ready, and as a result, don’t realise the full sale price, or even worse, lose far too many properties during the retention period resulting in further financial loss

Never assume that a buyer will see the same value in your rent roll that you place on it. You need to do everything you can to prepare the rent roll – BEFORE  – you take it to market, including;

  • Complete your own internal due diligence on 100% of the rent roll, as though you were a buyer
  • Ensure that you Agency documents are compliant, and properly completed
  • Maximise your fees, especially the ancillary income
  • Work on your client retention & customer service delivery
  • Implement standardised database & trust account processes
  • Create a could based folder structure, ready for settlement integration
  • Updating all staff employment contracts & restraints

Don’t be fooled into thinking that selling your rent roll will be easy, quick and without stress! You will want to have an expert on side your team like Michael Furlong, to ensure you are “sale ready”, and then to make sure that you are paid for every property that is in the portfolio

Raech out to Michael – 6-12 months before you plan on selling your rent roll. Michael can share with you plenty of real examples where Principals have sold, without being ready, and the result is in the hundreds of thousands of dollars in some cases

Refinancing or using the equity in your rent roll to buy out your competitors

When your rent roll is sale ready, it provides you so many options, including;

  • Using the equity as security for property purchases
  • Using the equity to provide cashflow for expansion, opening other offices
  • Using the equity to buy out partners when there is a partnership dispute
  • Using the equity to purchase a new rent roll, or buy out competitors

You will only be able to access the equity through refinancing, and this will only be possible if the Rent roll is fully maximised 

Getting started is easy

Book a no-obligation “confidential” chat with Michael to explore your plans to buy, sell or ensure your rent roll is sale ready.